My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Friday, August 22, 2008

Drama over, Radio is up!

Well the drama over the unemployment debit card has been solved. I got three in the mail! LOL I guess everytime i called wanting the tracking number they re-ordered the cards. Well I got the card, called customer service and got the right number, then called back to activate it with the automated system. Went to the ATM and viola! it worked. Things are better, the world can live!

On a side note and a personal venture MTPockets Radio is up and running. We are in the process of loading the Indie music for the stream but I have a playlist playing from my computer just for now. I will keep you informed. 

Just a few Wolfish thoughts.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Doctors, delays, and Drama.

Well in respect to my on going issue with the customer service that handles the direct debit card, still nothing. I have been told to get a tracking number "tomorrow" since Tuesday. They still don't have one. But I have been assured there will be one tomorrow and that the card will also be delivered tomorrow. Amazing isn't? I get the tracking number the same day the card is to be delivered. According to FedEx (which I already knew) the instant something is delivered into the hands of the FedEx rep there is a tracking number assigned to the package. But it takes 24-48 hours for customer service to get it? I think not. 

Anyway. Aiden, my 15 month old son, had a doctors visit today. And yes got shots. Poor little guy, Daddy had to hold him still while the mean old doctor poked him in the leg. Twice even!. Once in each leg. Other than that the visit was routine. He is still hanging on to the bottom rung of the height and weight chart. Like I said, Little guy. The doctor suggested he could stand to gain a pound or so more. He suggested that we add 1/4th half and half cream to his whole milk. That mixture would make some adults cringe and almost ALL Canadians. So we are starting that tonight. Also the doctor wants Aiden to drink at least 24 oz of milk. I feel like we are fattening up a calf or something. LOL

Drama?..eehh..just wanted a catchy title. There isn't much drama in the life of a house-husband unless you keep count of the number of dirty diapers and every bump and knot a growing boy gets.  I like my little routine. I get up with my son, I lay down with him in the morning (after breakfast) and watch Disney playhouse, play on the floor once he truly wakes up, and then when he naps I get to the dishes and kitchen. I also cook lunch for my wife while I am cleaning. Sometimes, I don't always get a ton done by the time she gets home. If it has been a bad morning I can tell because she notices everything I DIDN'T do. I can understand, but if we have both had a bad morning, it might not be a good afternoon for either of us. Fortunately that doesn't happen often.


just a few wolfish thoughts.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Practice test

OK...just took a practice test....Last time I took a practice test at this site I got the same thing on the real test...wwoohhooo

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a day

Today I got to sleep in. My Son went to daycare. Yay!. Went and spent some time with my wife at lunch without our son. wwoohhoo Adult time (not the private adult time but still was good). Ok, so thats all the good news. from there the day went south. My unemployment pay is put on a debitmastercard by Chase bank. No problem. Except after 7 atm trips and 5 calls to customer service they determined that the card is bad and that I need a new one. 5-7 business days!?!?!? No thank you I need it now money is getting tight. the nly way to do that is to pay 10.00 for the over night fee. Try as I might I cant get them to waive it. They waived the 5.00 new card fee (since it was a defective card from the beginning.). Well to "Over night" it they needed to make a 2 pm deadline. so it will be here Thursday. Well since having to cross an international border, the guy that updated my address (was missing a building number Fedex needed) he actually said it might be Friday. He wanted me to know about the possibility of a delay just in case. Bravo to him. Well that was my day. So many plans and now I can't do any until the weekend. I had so much I wanted to do. Oh well.

Just a few grumbling wolfish thoughts.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Another piece of software

Ok here is a piece of Open Source software. it's called Ecto. I finally figured out the set up (by using Microsofts software). its seems to work right but as always test test test.

Just a few more wolfish thoughts.

Testing a few pieces of software

I figure I might write more if I don't have to actually surf to the blog site and log in then think of what I want to say. I have been testing a few pieces of software so i can just launch an app and type, click post and then close the app. I have tried a few and so far the Microsoft writer is the one that appears to be working the best. I have had a couple of others that either the set up was detailed (and me being a geek thats saying a lot) or froze upon opening. Im going to be testing out more but this one appears to work the way I want it to. (makes my skin craw the its an MS

Just a few Wolfish thoughts.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ok so it takes a while

OK so my posts are not as close together as some. I tend to be busy, and being an aquarian, sometimes scatterbrained. Sue me. Well I have been Laid off (as of July 25th) and have been a stay at home dad. Sometimes it is harder work that having a job, but I love every minute of it. I might not say so in a stressful moment, but when things are calm I love it. With the unemployment income and lack of gas and border expenses, things actually seem better. Funny how it works out. Now I have time with my family and can concentrate on getting some of my computer certifications. Once those are out of the way, I am going to try to get some schooling, even is its an associates degree. Most employers want college and certs.

There were plans about moving to the Bahamas at the end of December, but that may be on hold a little. Depending upon how things go, because just up and moving without a job to go to would be ridiculous. The current recession is affecting at least three countries, Canada, the U.S.A., and the Bahamas. All of which would be where we would look for jobs. Things could be worse.

My Wife, the eternal worrier, sometimes worries about things, even when the figures and proof show otherwise. She can always find something to worry about. So much so that I worry about her mental state sometimes. She is getting better albeit slowly. Hopefully within the next couple of months I can help her to relax. I can use any prayers people are willing to offer.

So until next time, whenever that may be.

The Wolf