My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday musings

Sunday musings

   Things have gotten better since my melancholy mood the other night. My wife admits to having been a bit on the unhappy side. I need to figure out why though.

  On to better and brighter topics.  I brew my own wine.  Tonight when we went to Chapters (A Local bookstore like Books-a-million or Barnes & Nobles), I found a winemaking magazine.  So far all I have been doing was researching on the web, a few books bought or borrowed from the library, and winging the rest.  I scanned through the magazine at Chapters and bought it just from the few things I saw.  I am slightly curious as to what others do, but I want to be my own person. I want to brew my own way.  I know there is a science to brewing so I follow recipes to a degree.  I also like to experiment.  I like doing odd flavor combinations. To this end I have created some interesting brews, but not marketable.  Some of my brews/meads/melomels have had rave reviews.   I have had to make a duplicate bigger batch to satisfy the masses.  This always makes one feel good.  The one thing I do not like is when people are not forthcoming in their opinion of the wine.   I am aware that many people are afraid to offend, but I would take it as constructive criticism.  I need it if I am going to try to make a business out of a hobby.  I need feedback.  The people I actually trust to give me feedback are scattered to the winds.

The Wolf

Thursday, April 20, 2006

At then end of the evening

At then end of the evening

Here I sit at the end of the evening and yet it seems my last post was so very apt and true. There was little I did that seemed to please my wife. But alas…could be my own mood. It seems my mood was quite easily made to plummet downward in that blackening spiral towards gloom…who knows..maybe a good nights rest will do me good…but we shall see….

The Wolf

the beginning

In the beginning there was a blank page. Then wolfish paws went to keyboard and filled the void. And this was a good thing. or not. that is what remains a mystery. I am wondering who actually reads all these blogs. they are all over and yet...who actually reads them? I guess people you send the link to..maybe.

There are many questions a man asks himself and tonight I am pondering one. How do I actually make my wife happy? the answer seems to truly elude me. She says she is happy, yet I get the over all feeling she is not. I am slowly making this place in which we dwell appeasing to her...per her designs and tastes. and yet..she still seems unhappy. short of making a sacrifice at an altar know..spilling the blood of an innocent and such....I am wondering what it will take. Maybe this is one of those things we shall never truly know or achieve...yet I shall continue to do my best.

thus ends the first post of the Wolf