My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

My Photo
Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dealing with a frustrated Muse

Dealing with a frustrated muse is trying at times. A Muse normally
refers to one of the nine Greek goddess' of the arts and sciences. For
me, A Muse is my wife. A wonderfully gifted artist and all around
beautiful person, both physically and mentally. She is a red-headed
Scottish Aries. Needless to say she can have a bit of a temper. This
temper not only deals with anger, but also deals with frustration and
sometimes that leads to a depression of sorts. She doesn't think she is
beautiful, she doubts her artistic talents, and she doesn't think her
life "stacks up".

People don't generally go around telling others how beautiful they
are unless they are trying to win them over or get them to go out with
you. So since no one else is telling my wife how beautiful she is, she
thinks she isn't. Oh, and she thinks I am biased on her looks and her
artwork. So how do I convince her otherwise? Yeah, thats the hard
part. I try, but I don't seem to get anywhere. Sometimes, she does get
complimented on her work, but of course "thats just one person".

Now, the really frustrating part is when she gets
upset/frustrated/depressed she tries to think of any and everything she
can do to "get ahead". A Muse (her inner muse) doesn't work under this
pressure. Anything she tries artistically at this point only frustrates
her more. So I have to try to figure something out that can help her
get past this moment and start enjoying life so the muse (the inner one)
will start being creative and flowing again. This sometimes takes a
while. It does happen.

Just a few wolfish thoughts.

Friday, August 21, 2009

the joy of a 2 yr old swimmer

1.00 Canadian well spent on the flotation water-wings. The wonderful
pieces of inflatable plastic for a child to learn to swim with. Aiden
LOVED them. The gleam and excitement in his eyes when he realized Daddy
wasn't holding him and he was not sinking to the bottom of the pool. He
loves the pool, don't get me wrong. This just made it all the better!
He ran and ran (or swam and swam) from the shallow end to the deep end.
And back to the shallow end. Then back to the deep end. So on and so
forth. This took place over the course of 30 to 45 minutes. Maybe
close to an hour, I am not 100% sure. Tomorrow Mommy and I are going to
video the swimming. I will link the video so that all interested can view.

just a few wolfish thoughts

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Visitations from the past

So in the past couple of weeks my oldest son has been up for a
visit. It has been fun and good to have him up here. We have been doing
some bonding, or so I think, and getting closer. I have done what i can
to try to help him feel relaxed and welcome in this strange
environment. Let's face reality, I have barely seen him in the past 12
years. I am more a voice on the phone once a week. I think things are
going well.

We have had several geek moments together. Computers and their
software (especially games) hold his interest quite well, as well as
roleplaying (specifically D&D). Luckily I am into all of that (a little
lite on the game software though). but we have had fun. I am really
going to hate when he has to leave, but alas, nothing is forever.

Just a few Wolfish thoughts.