My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, April 20, 2006

the beginning

In the beginning there was a blank page. Then wolfish paws went to keyboard and filled the void. And this was a good thing. or not. that is what remains a mystery. I am wondering who actually reads all these blogs. they are all over and yet...who actually reads them? I guess people you send the link to..maybe.

There are many questions a man asks himself and tonight I am pondering one. How do I actually make my wife happy? the answer seems to truly elude me. She says she is happy, yet I get the over all feeling she is not. I am slowly making this place in which we dwell appeasing to her...per her designs and tastes. and yet..she still seems unhappy. short of making a sacrifice at an altar know..spilling the blood of an innocent and such....I am wondering what it will take. Maybe this is one of those things we shall never truly know or achieve...yet I shall continue to do my best.

thus ends the first post of the Wolf


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