My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Doctors, delays, and Drama.

Well in respect to my on going issue with the customer service that handles the direct debit card, still nothing. I have been told to get a tracking number "tomorrow" since Tuesday. They still don't have one. But I have been assured there will be one tomorrow and that the card will also be delivered tomorrow. Amazing isn't? I get the tracking number the same day the card is to be delivered. According to FedEx (which I already knew) the instant something is delivered into the hands of the FedEx rep there is a tracking number assigned to the package. But it takes 24-48 hours for customer service to get it? I think not. 

Anyway. Aiden, my 15 month old son, had a doctors visit today. And yes got shots. Poor little guy, Daddy had to hold him still while the mean old doctor poked him in the leg. Twice even!. Once in each leg. Other than that the visit was routine. He is still hanging on to the bottom rung of the height and weight chart. Like I said, Little guy. The doctor suggested he could stand to gain a pound or so more. He suggested that we add 1/4th half and half cream to his whole milk. That mixture would make some adults cringe and almost ALL Canadians. So we are starting that tonight. Also the doctor wants Aiden to drink at least 24 oz of milk. I feel like we are fattening up a calf or something. LOL

Drama?..eehh..just wanted a catchy title. There isn't much drama in the life of a house-husband unless you keep count of the number of dirty diapers and every bump and knot a growing boy gets.  I like my little routine. I get up with my son, I lay down with him in the morning (after breakfast) and watch Disney playhouse, play on the floor once he truly wakes up, and then when he naps I get to the dishes and kitchen. I also cook lunch for my wife while I am cleaning. Sometimes, I don't always get a ton done by the time she gets home. If it has been a bad morning I can tell because she notices everything I DIDN'T do. I can understand, but if we have both had a bad morning, it might not be a good afternoon for either of us. Fortunately that doesn't happen often.


just a few wolfish thoughts.


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