My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Monday, September 29, 2008

More dental news, the Freezing thaws..

If you ever plan on having a mass amount of teeth removed, Might I suggest you hold onto your canines as long as possible. While I am not suffering pain as most people might think, the most "painful" area is where the Canines once were. Not the gum area, but higher where the roots were. Figuring the dentist got a massive workout just on those two teeth should have been an indication. Keep the canines if you can. I think those roots go almost all the way to the eye sockets.


Just a few wolfish thoughts

Most would say OW!

Just got back from the dentist. Had 14 teeth removed from my upper jaw. I had two removed from my lower jaw. I have a full denture plate up top and partial dentures on the bottom. I think my wife was more concerned than I was. OK, so I reached my limit. Either in pain or the fact I saw the bloody suture when they were stitching my upper jaw, but I passed out. It could have been a combination of things. Now I sit here as the Novocain slowly wears off. There is some discomfort in the upper left side and some tenderness all over. Gee go figure. The worst part for me is the taste of blood. Waiting to see how the day goes. I have to go back tomorrow so they an check the progress of the healing. I also need to go in on Wednesday because the lower partial is a little loose. More exciting dental news as it happens.


just a few wolfish thoughts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Batter up!

Oh dear God it was funny. We went to the park today to try to entertain the 16 month old energizer bunny and try to make sure Mommy didnt fall asleep (Mommy had a sleepless night). At the park we found a tennis ball. Since I was trying to keep Aiden from eating the half rotten pears (I tried to throw them over the fence) I tried to show him how to toss the ball. I would "toss" to him (mommy caught it) and then she placed it in his hand and moved his arm to simulate the throwing. We clapped when it flew. after 3 times of this we thought to let him try on his own. Enter Mommy and Daddy applauding while giggling and laughing. He would bend at the waist...put his right arm behind him, pucker his lips and freeze. Then after a minute would almost spin and release the ball. It Mainly went to his feet. Sometimes in front of him. The most impressive distances were behind him (backwards throwing). Every time it successfully left his hand we applauded (while laughing and giggling) He got to the point he would "pitcher stance" throw....and then if you didnt applaud in the appropriate time he would applaud to let you know it was your turn! My God we needed the video camera!

Just a few (funny) wolfish thoughts

Friday, September 19, 2008

Down time and Exciting new prospect

Today I reached my end. I needed alone time. I don't know if it was a product of something I saw on television, or if I had just reached my limit, but I needed to get out by myself. Nothing much, just a little alone time. So I went to a branch of the local library. I found a book on making your own home made go-kart (print date 1961). The theories about stability haven't changed so I got it for the principle more than an actual how to guide. I'm planning on building my own go-kart, but an electric variety. There are many out there (IE ), so I know it can be done. Granted that reference is more than what I want to build (it gets speeds of 60 mph), so I want to make something my son and i can play with (when he is older).

This goes to my next topic. The new prospect. I am submitting a volunteer application to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters for my local region. I'm looking forward to doing this. I think it can help me as much as I can help a child in need of a mentor. Well I bet there will be more on this as it develops.

Just a few wolfish thoughts.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Lately I have had an obsession with EV's or Electric Vehicles. I'm sure my wife is frustrated by it at times. But the more I learn the more aggravated I get. The cost to convert a standard Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) to an EV ranges from 9,000.00 to 15,000.00. This includes the cost of what is called the "donor vehicle". The donor vehicle is usually bought from someone because of severe mechanical failure of the engine. Well since the engine is going to be yanked by the new owner thats not a problem.But you have to be careful. A rusting eyesore piece of junk ICE will probably be an expensive rusting eyesore piece of junk EV. the body needs to be sound and all major components need to work (brakes, shocks, steering, ETC). But the reward is a vehicle that you can drive on a day to day basis, that costs less per mile to run than a ICE. The range on EV's can vary anywhere from 30 miles to 120 miles, depending on the size of your battery pack. 

To further add fuel to this obsession, last night I found the website of the governments results of the testing of cars by car manufacturers during the 90's. The GM EV-1 had a range of 220.7 miles at 45 mph. when you accelerated to 60 mph you dropped to 160.6 mile range. This is on a single charge. There is a standard test (SAE J1634) that the range was 140.3. The performance goal? it was only 60 miles. The ONLY thing that the EV-1 failed in was a ground clearance. the goal was 5.0 inches. the actual ground clearance was 4.3 inches. Oh, and all this was with a 440 lb payload. 40 lbs over the performance payload. So with a higher payload that they were supposed to have the GM EV-1 blew away every goal but 1. and why aren't we driving them? well that goes into the realm of conspiracy theories.  

The reason for my rant is because we could all be driving cleaner cars and companies could be producing them but we aren't. This is infuriating and frustrating. For the cost of a new car, someone can convert a car themselves (the hardest part is pulling out the old engine) and it will last years, costing least than 10 cents a mile to run (this includes replacing the entire battery pack every 3 years). or we could have manufacturers making these and actually helping costs go down. but we aren't and unless something drastic happens, we wont for years to come. Believe it or not, there was a time that there were more electric vehicles on the roads than there were internal combustion engines, but due to distance limitations, the ICE won, and the battery hasnt changed much in the past 200 years. So much for science.

Just a few wolfish thoughts.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


You ever have a day that seems to frustrate you to hell and back? Well that would be my day to day. and its a bunch of small things. On thing in particular is when someone does something that they have gotten extremely upset at someone else for doing the very same thing. More on this later. I have a son to take care of

just a few wolfish thoughts

Monday, September 01, 2008

7 OS's and Still not satisfied

Ok, I have installed 7 Operating systems in the past 5 days and I am still not happy. The ONE game I want to play (World of Warcraft) I used to be able to play reasonably well in Linux. Well with the updates to the systems and eye candy and such, my system either wont run it anymore (in Linux) or runs so damned slow its not fun to play. GGRRRR. So here I am back at WIndoze because I want to play World of Warcraft. Damn Blizzard. They have an OS X client, why not a Linux client? Oh and what started all this? My certifications I am going for, I figured I might want to at least check out Vista. Well of course it bogged my system, but its not the crap most people complain about. I dont like it because its a Microsoft product, but it actually seems better (although a resource hog) than XP in security and aesthetics. When I get a better machine, who knows, I might install it to play around with.

Just a few Wolfish thoughts.