My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Friday, September 19, 2008

Down time and Exciting new prospect

Today I reached my end. I needed alone time. I don't know if it was a product of something I saw on television, or if I had just reached my limit, but I needed to get out by myself. Nothing much, just a little alone time. So I went to a branch of the local library. I found a book on making your own home made go-kart (print date 1961). The theories about stability haven't changed so I got it for the principle more than an actual how to guide. I'm planning on building my own go-kart, but an electric variety. There are many out there (IE ), so I know it can be done. Granted that reference is more than what I want to build (it gets speeds of 60 mph), so I want to make something my son and i can play with (when he is older).

This goes to my next topic. The new prospect. I am submitting a volunteer application to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters for my local region. I'm looking forward to doing this. I think it can help me as much as I can help a child in need of a mentor. Well I bet there will be more on this as it develops.

Just a few wolfish thoughts.


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