My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Batter up!

Oh dear God it was funny. We went to the park today to try to entertain the 16 month old energizer bunny and try to make sure Mommy didnt fall asleep (Mommy had a sleepless night). At the park we found a tennis ball. Since I was trying to keep Aiden from eating the half rotten pears (I tried to throw them over the fence) I tried to show him how to toss the ball. I would "toss" to him (mommy caught it) and then she placed it in his hand and moved his arm to simulate the throwing. We clapped when it flew. after 3 times of this we thought to let him try on his own. Enter Mommy and Daddy applauding while giggling and laughing. He would bend at the waist...put his right arm behind him, pucker his lips and freeze. Then after a minute would almost spin and release the ball. It Mainly went to his feet. Sometimes in front of him. The most impressive distances were behind him (backwards throwing). Every time it successfully left his hand we applauded (while laughing and giggling) He got to the point he would "pitcher stance" throw....and then if you didnt applaud in the appropriate time he would applaud to let you know it was your turn! My God we needed the video camera!

Just a few (funny) wolfish thoughts


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