My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

My Photo
Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No sound

Apparently Sound does not embed in Blogger, at least not via email. I
can, however, do images. Nice thought. Now a smart phone with a camera
and I can be like other people and blog on the run.

Just a few wolfish thoughts.

Testing an audio snippet

I want to try and see if an audio snippet can be emailed to the blog and
be embedded. we can see.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Video documentation for the NAS

I did better than screen shots. I made a recording of my desktop (with
my voice, yes you have to suffer through it). I show all the basics of
setting up the NAS.

to download the movie in .mov format. or you can watch it streaming Here in quicktime or windows format

Just a few geeky wolfish thoughts.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Homegrown NAS

Well I decided to make my own NAS (Network Area Storage) and see if I could make it for less than the leading companies.  Yes it might not "look" pretty, depending upon the box you start with.  I did some research online and found FreeNas . An OS built on FreeBSD with the functionality of Making a NAS simple.  It has a very nice webGUI for interaction.  You can play with it by getting the "live cd" version. if you have a usb key then that can save your settings (in theory. I am testing it but havent rebooted the system yet).  I know that having the USB key in makes the GUI a little slower, but hey..its running on a AMD 750 Mhz with 768 MB ram. It did run a little faster without the key, but like I said I am trying to see if it WILL save the settings.  The Drawback about installing on the HD is that you can not use that HD as part of the NAS.  Lets face it some people just SHOULD NOT have access to the root system.  things go missing.

More a little later as updates happen.

Just a few geeky wolfish thoughts.

a test of email posting.

This is a test of email posting to my blogger account. I just found out
that I can supposedly post via emailing to my blog (of sorts). So I am
testing it.

Just a few wolfish thoughts.

Some days just happen the wrong way.

Last night I ended up getting frustrated by a few things so I stopped all of what I was doing to listen to a few podcasts that have been piling up for me to listen to. didnt work out too well but it had gotten late so I kinda figured the night might end before I got done. Well my son had a coughing fit in the middle of the night. The past couple of nights I have used the aspirator (snot sucker) to empty his nose and then used vicks on his chest. Well last night I skipped the aspirator and just used the vicks. It took a little longer but eventually he settled back down and went quietly back to sleep. So i was up for about an hour (2 ish to 3 ish). I then wake up at about 6:30 listening to my son talk to himself. I lay there as long as possible (7:15) to go get him. He isnt unhappy so it wasnt a bad thing. I go get him and start prepping for him to be taken to daycare. The phone rings and i KNOW it is the daycare person saying he cant come. and sure enough it is. So now I am tired and frustrated. Queue wife waking up. She has had a bad dream so isnt in a good place. not mad or angry..just a glum mood. Well today she has a meeting that she wants me to go with her. Well, in my mind the easiest thing is for her to just go to work like normal and then when she is leaving to come get me and we will go. If the babysitter can come over, since it isnt that far, she can walk or I can walk to their place and walk them over. So without saying any of this to my wife I start prepping in my mind (as well as preparing a breakfast of french toast with syrup for my son and a egg sandwich for me). When my wife asks if I was taking her to work I mention that she can just come get me. She thinks at lunch (which she is working through). I said "no..after you leave for the day......nevermind I will take you." and proceed in a huff. which in her mood Im sure seemed worse. I could have been worse..not sure. points of view are always jaded.

Needless to say..this morning didnt start off all that grand. Am I in a better mood. Again, Point of view. Still tired. a little eehh. But I have had food and coffee. My son isnt being a Monster and if you can block out the background noise of the shows he watches, then all is going ok on my end. I am not going to say im in a great mood. I will say I can act civil and that no one will die unless they really try to piss me off.

just a few wolfish thoughts.