My Wolfish thoughts

The infrequent musings of one wolfish character.

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Location: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Monday, June 08, 2009

Homegrown NAS

Well I decided to make my own NAS (Network Area Storage) and see if I could make it for less than the leading companies.  Yes it might not "look" pretty, depending upon the box you start with.  I did some research online and found FreeNas . An OS built on FreeBSD with the functionality of Making a NAS simple.  It has a very nice webGUI for interaction.  You can play with it by getting the "live cd" version. if you have a usb key then that can save your settings (in theory. I am testing it but havent rebooted the system yet).  I know that having the USB key in makes the GUI a little slower, but hey..its running on a AMD 750 Mhz with 768 MB ram. It did run a little faster without the key, but like I said I am trying to see if it WILL save the settings.  The Drawback about installing on the HD is that you can not use that HD as part of the NAS.  Lets face it some people just SHOULD NOT have access to the root system.  things go missing.

More a little later as updates happen.

Just a few geeky wolfish thoughts.


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